Breast milk Alcohol Rapid Test Panel
Breast milk Alcohol Rapid Test Panel JusChek Others Rapid Test Kuala Lumpur (KL), Malaysia, Selangor Supplier, Suppliers, Supply, Supplies | Setia Scientific Solution
Two-thirds of all adults drink alcohol. The blood alcohol concentration at which a person becomes impaired is variable dependent upon the individual. Each individual has specific parameters that affect the level of impairment such as size, weight, eating habits and alcohol tolerance. Inappropriate consumption of alcohol can be a contributing factor to many accidents, injuries, and medical conditions.

Allow the pouched test panel or Specimen to equilibrate to room temperature (15-30°C) prior to testing. Remove the test panel from the sealed pouch and use it within one hour.
1. Remove the cap.
2. With the arrow pointing toward the specimen, immerse the test panel vertically in the specimen for at least 10 to 15 seconds. Immerse at least half of the absorption pad of the test panel, but not beyond the arrow on the test panel.
3. Replace the cap and place the test panel on a non-absorbent flat surface.
4. Start the timer and wait for the results within 3-5 minutes to read. Compare the color of the reaction pad with color card to determine the relative alcohol concentration. Do not interpret the result after 5 minutes.


Cat. No.

Product Description



Kit Size




Breast milk Alcohol Rapid Test Panel

Breast Milk


25 T/40 T



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